Writing Update #5: Almost There

Word count: 72,042

It took a good amount of motivation to start writing again after a month-long break from my book (and blog), but I’m finally back to working on it.

It’s been a long journey- over six months, to be specific. I’m so ready to finish up the first draft and jump into the uncharted territory of editing. I’ve never edited a novel before, but I’m looking forward to learning- and letting my perfectionist self out. Yeah, the one that has been going silently-but-surely insane for all of the times my grammar was garbage or I showed and didn’t tell, or couldn’t remember someone’s name and put brackets instead.

I estimate to have about 17k words to go until the end. So close, yet so far. I just gotta keep on trekking!

6 thoughts on “Writing Update #5: Almost There

  1. Tiegan says:

    Good luck! I have *attempted* to write a novel several times, but even NaNoWriMo and accountability people can’t help me. I’m pretty sure that my perfectionistic self is to blame, so I’m with you all the way on that note.

    Are you a part of any groups on Facebook? There are some really supportive networks out there that can help you finish that final leg ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Victorien says:

      Thank you! Yes, perfectionism can be a curse sometimes XD but I’m sure you’ll find a method that best suits you. I can’t even count how many books I started but never finished. Eventually I figured out that the thing I hated most (outlining) was what led me to complete a first draft. Who knew? Anyway, best of luck with your writing journey!

      I’m not part of any Facebook groups, actually. I’ve never heard of any but I’ll look into it! Thanks for the tip, and the encouragement too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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